Thursday 31 March 2011

Alien Baby Found in Mexico – Aliens on Earth

Alien Baby Found ( Mexico )– Aliens on Earth
In late 2009, scientists had their brains stormed in a case that left the world stunned. A carcass of what is claimed to be a baby alien was handed over to them by a Mexican farmer, Marao Lopez who captured the creature alive in 2007. He found the alien caught in an animal trap. He got so scared by the look of the miniature beast that he tried to kill it by drowning it under water in a ditch. But it took him three attempts and few hours before he could finally kill it. He had to hold it for several hours under water before it died.
Scientists had carried out DNA scan and other tests on the creature and the results had left everyone dumbstruck with awe. Tests revealed a creature unknown to mankind. It has skeleton that looks similar to a lizard, its teeth do not have any roots like that of humans and it can hold its breath and stay underwater for a long time. The bulged rear part of the brain meant that it must have been intelligent.
There are frequent UFO sightings and reports of mysteriously appearing crop circles in the area where the creature was found. Although the news was first covered by the Mexican TV channel in 2007, the first pictures and videos of the sinister looking creature were published by the website.

Catwalk Falls Defining Moments

Catwalk Falls Defining Moments
OOPS! Poor model falls on a catwalk… Let’s face it, who doesn’t like to see tall, skinny chicks tumble down the runway? It just makes them a little more human, don’t you think? Are those catwalks greased up or are they just clumsy? Check out these girls falling like pins to the ground. Enjoy.

The Girl who Cries Blood

The Girl who Cries Blood
 This is the girl who has baffled top doctors because she spontaneously BLEEDS from her pores up to 50 TIMES a day.Twinkle Dwivedi, 14, has strange disorder which means she loses blood through her skin without being cut or scratched. Terrified Twinkle has even undergone transfusions after pints of it seeped through her eyes, nose, hairline, neck and soles of her feet. More images and video after the break...

Dr George Buchanan, a leading hematologist who has worked in Britain, travelled to India to look into the startling case. The teenager from Lucknar, Uttar Pradesh, has been suffering the frightening episodes up to 50 times a day for the last three years. She said: "I bleed from my eyes, my hands, my head, from everywhere. From my ears, nose and eyes as well. "It doesn't hurt when the bleeding starts. But it makes me tired and sometimes I have headaches." Dr Buchanan, an American paediatric blood specialist, visited Twinkle's family at the Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai where he observed her bleeding
 He said: "I've never seen a case of someone who bleeds spontaneously from their scalp or their palms, or read about it in medical history.

"I was interested to see if I could help Twinkle."

The doctor was called to the family's hotel room to witness bleeding which began from her hair parting.

He was shocked to find no signs of cuts, bruising or redness.

Dr Buchanan said: "It doesn't seem physically possible for blood to seep through intact skin.

"But I saw no signs of cuts or bruising anywhere on her body."

Dr Buchanan and his team carried out a series of tests including cutting Twinkle's skin to time how quickly the bleeding stops.

Tests show she may have a mild form of a clotting disorder, which means her platelets do not stick together properly. But this is not enough to explain the spontaneous bleeding.

Dr Buchanan is also investigating whether Twinkle or her mum cause the bleeding themselves.

Twinkle, a Hindu, said: "I am not causing this. Why would I want to make myself bleed?

True Spider-Man in the world – Alain Robert

True Spider-Man in the world – Alain Robert
Known as "Spider-Man," Alain Robert, born in August 1962, height 1.63 meters (or 1.64 meters?), weight 50 kilograms, married and has 3 children. He began to be in the climbing activities when he was 12-year-old, had climbed hundreds of skyscrapers and high buildings in the world, such as the Burj Dubai, Paris Eiffel Tower, Empire State Building, Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur,Shanghai Jin Mao Building and Taipei 101 Building, etc.
In his climbing career, Alain Robert was many times in danger. He said that he’s never insured, because no insurance companies are willing to have any dealings with him.

Of course, for his dangerous ((illegal) act, he was several times arrested by local police.

Miss World contest Alexandria Mills, 18, takes tiara

Miss World contest Alexandria Mills, 18, takes tiara
Alexandria Mills, 18, takes tiara as Norwegians claim Nobel Peace Prize award to Chinese dissident affected result
The Miss World contest was mired in controversy today amid claims that the hot favourite was frozen out because of a diplomatic feud.
American teenager Alexandria Mills was crowned the winner of the 60th anniversary beauty contest on Saturday.
But the 18-year-old Miss USA’s celebrations were tainted by claims that her biggest rival, Miss Norway, was cheated out of the title by the competition’s Chinese hosts.

With China as the host, Taiwan was unable to compete because Beijing does not recognise it as an independent country.
And on Saturday night, the Chinese audience gave Miss Japan the silent treatment, apparently protesting Japan’s claim to the Diaoyu Islands, a group of uninhabited rocks coveted for fishing and mineral rights.
The contest has had its fair share of controversies since its inception.

Make Up Your Eyes for Evening (Eye care)

Make Up Your Eyes for Evening (Eye care)
When evening calls for a glamorous look, you want to focus on making your eyes amazing. Here are eight simple steps to making up your eyes for evening.
   1. Prep your eyes with concealer. Concealer can be used to cover up under eye circles or just the bluish discoloration just under your inner eye. To cover dark under eye circles, apply three dots of concealer under each eye. Start at the inner corner where skin tends to be darkest, then under the pupil and the third on the outer edge.
   2. Apply eye base to your lid Eye base is the secret to keeping your shadow in place for hours. Without properly priming your lid first, your eye shadow will likely end up a greasy line in your crease.
   3. Apply shadow. It's great to use a three-toned shadow and build from lids to brow. Allowing them to merge into each other like a rainbow is graceful. Start with a light color that almost matches your lid. brush the color across the lid and up to your browbone. Follow with a medium color across your lid only. Build on this with a darker color in the crease. Blend the colors well.
   4. Follow with eyeliner Dark eyeshadows work great as eyeliners. Wet a slanted brush, and then dip in a dark eyeshadow. Line eyes as close to the upper lashes as possible from the inner corner to the outer corner. Follow with liner on bottom eyes, but only line from the middle of the eye out. Smudge the bottom line with a Q-tip or your finger. You don't want a prominent line. For a smokey eye, use a brush to pat in a dark eyeshadow along the upper lid and below the lid. You don't want a stark line, instead you want to blend it so it's 'smudge-y.'
   5. Brighten your eyes with a highlighter. This step involves only the inside part of the eye. With a gold or pink highlighter (white is too bright), draw a v-shaped shape that follows the inner corner of your eye from top to bottom. Blend with your fingers. This will help make eyes 'pop.'
   6. Highlight your brow Take the same highlighter and dab it on your browbone, concentrating on your mid-brow outward. Blend with your finger.
   7. Curl lashes An eyelash curler will make even long lashes look more gorgeous. For added effect, you can heat the curler under a blow dryer for a couple seconds. Test curler before applying to lashes because you could burn yourself.
   8. Apply mascara Place the wand of your mascara brush at the bottom of lashes and wiggle back and forth. Follow with another few sweeps of the wand. Apply to bottom lashes as well.

Perfect Purse for your personality

Perfect Purse for your personality
Some of us underestimate the power of the purse. I do not mean this in the economic or the financial sense. What I meant to say is that most of us women consider the purse as something to hold whatever items we need to carry with us whenever we go out.

But the thing is, beyond being a container for our lipstick, our car keys, wallet, and all those things we could not possibly survive a trip outside our houses without, a purse is a fashion accessory, and a powerful one at that too. A purse underscores your look and highlights the curves of the body. We may not realize it, but whoever looks at us most likely gets his or her eyes drawn first to the purse we are carrying. Therefore, a purse can build your look up or demolish it entirely.

Thankfully, finding the perfect purse that will flatter the body is not as hard as we thought it is. The key to finding the perfect purse is proportion: you should always match your purse with the size and shape of your body. The general rule is that large bags go with large bodies, while small bags go with small bodies.

If you are short and slim in build, you should pick a bag that is small and holds close to the body. Never get a big purse because it will drown you and make you appear lost beside it.

If you are the type that is tall and thin, a medium-sized bag will work best for you. In choosing a shoulder bag, though, pick something that fits nice and close under your arm and against your waist. Bags like that will create the illusion of curves on your lean body and will draw the eyes to your face.

Latest Summer Shoe Collection 2011

Latest Summer Shoe Collection 2011
Change your existing entire shoe collection with forth coming season of 2011 summer. Try one pair from the latest summer shoe collection 2011 to boost up your fashion and style.
The winter season is almost going to an end and the bright and sunny season of summer is approaching nearer. The changes in weather not only have an effect on our clothes and accessories but on our shoe collection and selection also. In winter, majority of women used to wear boot shoes, Olympic shoes, high heel shoes, toe shoes and mukechins etc. But in summer the trends towards wearing shoes become change and women shifted their shoe collection to light, flat and stepper type shoes. The hot and sunny weather of summer demands comfort rather than modernity and glamor.
In sunny and hot weather of summer, women can build your confidence and image by wearing light weight shoes like steppers, slippers, flat shoes, khola puri shoes and chappals etc. The market and shoe shops are full of various types of latest summer shoe collection 2011. One can easily select and buy a nice and trendy summer shoes from the existing latest summer shoe collection 2011. You can also add fancy and flowery type shoes in your latest summer shoe collection 2011.
Along with this latest summer shoe collection 2011, you can also have to look into your shoe color selection. In this summer, try black, red, ivory, peach, baby pink and fuchsia color.  I assure you that by adding these fabulous and exotic colors in your latest summer shoe collection 2011, you will feel more confident and charming at all.
Beside this, I also suggest you to wear strappy heels, close toe shoes, mandos shoe and marry jane heels. These shoes are not much expensive and the heels are too much chunky and glamorous. You can wear these latest summer shoes of 2011 either in a wedding or in any party to look smart, stylish and glamorous.
In summer, also try pumps, little toe and flip flop type shoes with a pair of jeans or with a dress pant. These shoes are very important for professional women and also for those who hate to wear high heels.
For students and teenagers, who want to look funky and punk, I suggest sneakers to them. There are hundred of designs and colors in sneakers available in almost every shoe store. Buy two or three pair of funky look sneakers for your latest summer shoe collection 2011, as sneakers are also an important item of your latest summer shoe collection 2011.
For sporty women and women who love sports shoes, “Crooks and Castles summer 2011 inaugural foot wear” will be best option. They are simply irresistible, classic and simple aesthetic. The main colors are red, white and black.
Beside your this latest summer shoe collection 2011, you must have to add clogs and kitten heels in your latest summer shoe collection 2011.

Juggan Kazim Pakistan's Fashion Models

Juggan Kazim Pakistan's Fashion Models
 A delightful presence in the entertainment industry, Juggan Kazim has showcased her warm and engaging personality in everything she does, be it acting, modelling or hosting.
Personal life
Juggan was born and raised in Lahore and did her schooling from Grammar School, completed her Intermediate in Arts from Kinnaird College and graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 2002.
“I got married to my son’s father about five-and-a-half/six years ago and when my son was two months old, I moved back to Lahore from Karachi and since then have been living here,” Juggan tells Express Tribune.
Juggan is among those few celebrities who entered into the entertainment industry at a very young age. “I did my first advertisement when I was four-years-old. I’ve been working in the media since I was 14, in terms of commercial theater,” says Juggan. Her family, however, was initially not very supportive of her career choice. “This was never the line of work that anyone in my family wanted me to take up. It’s something that I wanted to do and I fought for it, until I was old enough for them to let me be and do my own thing,” reveals Juggan .
She knew that this was the field she wanted to pursue. “When I was going abroad for my higher studies, the deal my mother made was: “I know that you love this acting/hosting/modeling nonsense, but no, it’s not going to happen; don’t even think about it. If you’re going to university, the only way you can go is if you don’t take any courses related to acting,” Juggan recalls. “The closest thing to it was media studies, so I opted for a degree in media, information and monoculture, and sociology, and a minor in psychology,” she added.
However, her love for acting made her take acting courses while working two jobs and attending university. “I started taking acting courses, which had nothing to do with university; they were with acting teachers so there was nothing coming on my transcripts. So I kept doing my acting stuff on the other end in terms of rehearsing and figuring out and learning basic skills of acting, but it was never part of my university degree.
Since then, Juggan has appeared in television dramas, music videos, films, and also worked as a television host. So which of her projects is she the most proud of so far? “I am proud of my brand ambassadorship with Garner but at the same time I’m also very proud of the morning show I’m doing for Express News,” says Juggan.  Speaking of her experience as a morning show host, Juggan says, “I’ve had the full support of my team. You know, you can do a show for someone, but most of the time people expect that you as an anchor made the show popular. However, what people don’t understand is the fact that a show requires teamwork, and that’s what I have got by working with these guys, so I’m quite happy with the project.”

Juggan Kazim
Juggan concedes that criticism regarding her work can sometimes be really tough to take, but it also provides her a chance for improvement. “I have to admit that without being able to take criticism, and without improving yourself accordingly, you can’t really survive in this industry because you’ll be doing your own thing and you’ll just be any other person. Or you could actually make an effort and put together a great work and that is something you can only do if you keep improving.”
Activities & interests
In her spare time, Juggan does a lot of things from cooking to watching movies. “I enjoy cooking, love listening to music and I’m a complete movie buff, so I really enjoy watching movies. I’m not a huge fan of Bollywood movies though; more so Hollywood features and foreign films. And I do a little bit of reading every now and then but don’t get as much time as I’d like to, so it’s a pretty irregular basic interest, but cooking is a passion.”
My temper.
If I could learn one skill (that I don’t already know), I’d want to learn…
To speak different languages. Unfortunately I can only speak Urdu, English, Punjabi and a bit of French, and that too barely. I wish I had the knack to learn languages like people do. I’d love to speak Spanish, German, Arabic and Persian — such beautiful languages that I cannot speak because I don’t have the ear for it. Also, I would like to learn how to sing.
If I had to banish one word (from any language), it would be…
“Cannot”. I can’t do this, I can’t do that. We can do anything we want to; we just choose not to do it.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Top 10 Beautiful Women of Venezuela.

Top 10 Beautiful Women of  Venezuela.

Miss Universe 2008 is Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza

Miss Universe 2008 is Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza

Miss Venezuela,Dayana Mendoza is Miss Universe 2008. Held at the Crown Convention Center (Diamond Bay Resort) in Nha Trang, Vietnam on July 14, 2008, Miss Venezuela Dayana Mendoza was crowned as Miss Universe 2008. She succeeded 2007 Miss Universe, Riyo Mori, of Japan.
The pageant was hosted by Jerry Springer, tabloid talk show host and host of NBC's America's Got Talent, and Melanie Brown, a.k.a. "Scary Spice", member of the UK pop group Spice Girls and host of TLC's The Singing Office. A live audience of 7,500 watched the pageant and there were nearly a billion television viewers worldwide.
Dayana Mendoza Facts
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: green
Favorite Subject in School: Painting
Favorite Food: Pasta

Mariyah Moten, former Miss Pakistan presents awards in Las Vegas

Mariyah Moten, former Miss Pakistan presents awards in Las Vegas
Mariyah Moten at the Red Carpet Event
Mariyah Moten, Miss Asia International presents awards at the show in Las Vegas.

Miss America vs. Miss USA Beauty Pagean

Miss America vs. Miss USA Beauty Pagean

Miss Nebraska Teresa Scanlan Becomes Miss America Youngest Crowned.The 2011 winner Teresa Scanlan of the '90th Annual Miss America Pageant at only 17 years of age, interestingly she had already graduated a year early from high school and was the youngest winner in 73 years of the Miss Nebraska competition.

The first Nebraskan ever crowned as the pageant's winner in Las vegas. She is interested in being in politics. Scanlan announced that she was taking a year off from school to fulfill her duties as Miss Nebraska, and that she had deferred enrollment to Patrick Henry College until the fall of 2011
Miss USA 2011, will be the 60th Miss USA pageant. It will be held in spring of 2011. The winner will represent the United States in Miss Universe 2011. Miss USA 2010, Rima Fakih will crown her successor at the end of this event.
Miss USA 2010, the 59th edition of the Miss USA pageant, will be held at the Theatre for the Performing Arts in Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on May 16, 2010. The winner will represent the United States in the Miss Universe 2010 competition.
What are the differences between the Beauty Pageants?
Miss America is a scholarship pageant, which awards scholarships to young woman from the 50 States, District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands who will attend graduate school.
The Pageant is located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Miss America has made available more than $45 million in cash and scholarship assistance.
Barry Manilow will host the 2011 Miss America Pageant headliner show at the Paris. according to the news the songwriter will welcome the contestants to Las Vegas after the rose ceremony with Mayor Oscar Goodman.
Miss America 2010 - 2011, the 90th Miss America Pagent was held in the 89th Miss America pageant, was held at the Theatre for the Performing Arts in Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on January 30, 2010. Miss America 2009, Katie Stam from Indiana, crowned her successor at the end of the event, Caressa Cameron from Virginia.
A beauty contest, or beauty pageant, is a competition based mainly on the physical beauty of its contestants, although such contests often incorporate personality, talent, and answers to judges questions as judged criteria.
The phrase almost invariably refers only to contests for women; similar events for men are called by other names and are more likely to be body building contests. Winners of beauty contests are often called beauty queens.
Miss USA is a beauty contest and does not have a talent section, and surprisingly many Miss USA and Miss Teen USA delegates have participated in Reality Television shows such as: Survivor, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, The Apprentice and Average Joe.
Miss USA 2009, Kristen Dalton from North Carolina, will crown her successor at the end of this event. The 50 states and the District of Columbia will compete for the prestigious title and the pageant will broadcast live on NBC.
One of the year's most exciting live international television events, a star-studded panel of judges chose Miss Venezuela, Dayana Mendoza, as Miss universe 2008 live from the Crown Convention Center in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam.
Miss Universe 2010 , the 59th Miss Universe pageant, will be held in August, 2010, in a venue to be announced soon. Stefanía Fernández from Venezuela, Miss Universe 2009, will crown her successor at the end of this event. More than 80 countries and territories will compete for the title and the pageant will broadcast live on NBC and Telemundo.
Miss Universe 2011, the 60th edition of the Miss Universe pageant, will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 12, 2011 at the Credicard Hall. Ximena Navarrete of Mexico will crown her successor at the end of the event.

Does Television wrongly portray Beauty Pageants?

Some television networks have made their own versions: TLC has a show called: Miss America: Reality Check where all 52 contestants share a house and they are tested to see if all they have learned holds up in contemporary society. The CW has a show called: Crowned The Mother of all Pageants, is a 11 mother daughter contestants compete for 100,000 dollars.
In Dutch television there is a reality tv show called Miss Ability it is a beauty contest for woman with a visible handicap. Produced by Absolutely Independent.

A Documentary made in 2001 called: Living Dolls The Making of a Child Beauty Queen talks about the subculture of beauty pageants and the length some parents will go to ensure that their child will win.
So if you would like to be a beauty queen than find all the tips at pageantrymagazine it covers national and international events, expert writers will tell you everything you need to succeed.

Teresa Scanlan, Miss Nebraska, Wins 2011 Miss America Pageant PHOTOS

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